Statement of intentions



1. What are you setting out to do?

2. What do you want to achieve?

3. What difficulties might you encounter along the way?


1) Carrying on with previous statements made on my blog detailing the aims of this film opening trailer project. What I initially intend to do is to create a sci-fi genre opening with no usage of any sort of budget, in order to ensure high marks on the whole coursework. 

2) Moreover, if everything planned regarding written script and other production ideas successfully materializes itself like principally visualized at the very finale of the coursework deadline. I hope for a realistic ambitious ending course score that would likely severely improve my predicted media grade for A-level.

3) Since the current year 2020 is unprecedentedly being the most unstable year ever experienced by the people in extremely recent human history due to the pandemic situation, there are a variety of imposed limitations that could unfortunately affect the desired quality of Project Insomnia. For example, the King's College School has communicated to us media students that because of covid-19 restrictions, professional cameras will not be lend this given academic course like it was regularly done on past years. As you could probably figure out this is an incredibly huge problem in terms of accessible filming equipment. Furthermore at the present time, the Spanish government is worryingly considering to confine the entire population inside the country like performed in march. This inevitably would make Project Insomnia impossible to keep developing and thus crashing a possible opportunity to shine with a satisfied mark. Overall, while on paper what I'm setting out to perform may appear fairly interesting, as explained before the big amount of likely negative outcomes that the virus condition can lead us to, may largely threaten the absolute completion of this specific opening film trailer media coursework project.


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