Chronology Editing video
This video showcases myself fully structuring the chronological order of the scenes. The project finds itself at the first stage of post-production, this means that soon I will post on the blog another video exposing more complex editing techniques. Moreover, it is not necessary to watch the entire video. Its principal purpose is to reveal a glimpse of the final product. However, bear in mind that there is still a substantial amount of effort required to completely finish the opening trailer.
Another disclaimer is that the implied duration of the project shown in the video is not final, as there is still a considerable amount of content that needs to be cut (hopefully this doesn't damage the quality of the continuity much) in order to adjust the longevity of the clip to the demanded time of 2 minutes and 30 seconds maximum.
And the final announcement of this post. After months of not finding a suiting title for the finished project, I've decided to change 'Project Insomnia' to 'Insomnia Project' (very original switch I know).
If for some odd reason the video doesn't work try this link:
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