Call sheet

This post will detail a call sheet from one of my settings 

Name of production: Insomnia Project

Date of shoot: 6/1/2021

Time of shoot: 12am-7pm

Scenes and shots: Scene 1 --> Protagonist is introduced

                                                From the shot list: 1 to 6

                                                Scene 2 --> starts discussion with the receptionist/nurse

                                                From the shot list: 8 to 13

 Location: The hospital (office)

Crew present: Director (myself)

Actors present: Rodrigo Reyes= protagonist

                         Pilar Sánchez= recepcionist/nurse

                         Sergio Reyes S= patient

                         Sergio Reyes R= doctor

Costumes, hair and make-up: Clinical clothes (nurse and doctor uniforms)

                                                Long beard (patient character)

                                                No hair or make-up

Lighting and sound: Artificial lighting from the setting itself

                                 Voice recorder from an iphone 8

Other equipment and props: camera of iphone 12

                                             Computer from reception


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