Scrapped ideas


This post will feature a list of scrapped ideas that didn't make the cut ether due to lack of time, external factors or simply I didn't know how to approach them correctly.

Logo re-design

As previously implied on my early concept logo design post. Initially, there was indeed going to be improvements added to the DracoSoul Studios (DSS) logo. The plan was to add a little animation to the logo's overall appearance, and maybe add some both size and colour changes. However, due to time issues this never ended up happening.

Second recording attempt planning

The explanation to this specific scrapped idea is quite simple. Since due to covid restrictions, I was only able to film once. There was no way for me to utilize the experienced gained on my first try on a potential second shooting day.

Behind the scenes

Originally I filmed a behind the scenes video were my actors detailed their experience while filming 'Insomnia Project' in its entirety. However, the file of this recordings unfortunately ended up being corrupted, thus loosing all the videos in the process.

Film Poster

In this case the film poster wasn't crafted due to lack of time issues, as I needed to invest more time on other A-level subjects. Because of this reasons instead I decided to create a visual title which was significantly shorter to make. This individual title is the 'Insomnia Project' one that you can find both on a post and within the final project itself.

Alternative titles

The final name for the opening trailer ('Insomnia Project') doesn't differ much from its project name counterpart (Project Insomnia). This is partly my own fault as I lacked creativity to decide a more fitting name for the final project. However, back in October I wasn't aware that I would have this kind of issues. And due to this fact there were some discussions planning about some alternative titles. But this topic only stayed as a vague idea in the end.

Local reconnaissance Part 2

The blog only has one local reconnaissance which is about my rural area setting. Initially the plan was to later upload another post showcasing the hospital (office) setting. However, due to unexpected changes in the setting, and the fact that shots about this specific setting were already going to be revealed in both the editing posts and the test shots one on a near future. Led to myself making the decision of completely discarding this post plan. In the the end, all of this converted itself into just another scrapped idea.


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